速報APP / 工具 / QR & Barcode Scanner - Free

QR & Barcode Scanner - Free





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Makola South, Kiribathgoda, Sri Lanka

QR & Barcode Scanner - Free(圖1)-速報App

Zaotec barcode scanner is super-fast, accurate and safe reader for Android platform. Apart from scanning the barcode/QRcode, the app can be configured to transfer data to your own RESTful web service using HTTP POST method. This is the one and only barcode scanning app that can transfer scanned data to your own web service FREE.

Zaotec barcode scanner provides you;

• All-in-one scanner & reader (capable of scanning any kind of Barcode and QR code)

• Simple & easy to Use

• Instant scan

• Application can communicate data with your own web service using HTTP POST

• Internet connection is not required for scanning QR code or barcodes (Need internet connection to transfer data to a webservice)

QR & Barcode Scanner - Free(圖2)-速報App

• Can work with low light conditions by using Flashlight

• Vibrate alert

How to configure Web service

1. Go to Web Service Settings.

2. Enter the web service endpoint details

Eg : /api/scan

3. Click Change button.

QR & Barcode Scanner - Free(圖3)-速報App

More details regarding web service development : https://zaoteclk.blogspot.com/2018/03/qr-and-bar-code-scanner-android-app.html

Note :

Web service requirements

HTTP Method : POST

Content-Type : application/json

Json body :


QR & Barcode Scanner - Free(圖4)-速報App

“readString” : “read value will be here”,

“barcodeFormat” : “QRCode”


You can download sample Spring Boot web service from here:


If you have any questions or customized scanning app for your business or any other mobile or web application developments, feel free to contact our ZaoTec team via mail@zaotec.com or zaoteclk@gmail.com.

Also you can place any application development orders via Fiverr.com

QR & Barcode Scanner - Free(圖5)-速報App


For more information please visit www.zaotec.com

Scans all QR code & barcodes! Very simple & easy to use! Download now!

QR & Barcode Scanner - Free(圖6)-速報App